

Our New Home

Hello friends! It's another frigid day in Minnesota, but the sun is shining and I'm chair-dancing (i.e., move my hips and tap my feet and bob my head but not enough so anyone in my office notices) to this currently. The track, Ghost, is today's favorite. Life is good, man.

Day 21 not smoking. Fuck yes. I am doing it, and I am really proud of myself. I treated myself to a massage last week and it was AMAZING. I plan to spoil myself rotten each week if I stay smoke free.

I've also been gluten free for about a month now. I have not had one stomach ache since I started and it's been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I also am feeling a lot better in terms of my mood. I am leaning toward grain free - but still eating rice, quinoa, and lots of legumes. C has been making us really delicious dinners - lucky for me she is trying to make this whole process as delicious as possible.

Friday was my FIRST Friday off. I am now only working four days per week at my full-time job, so I can focus more on Tandem Vintage. I am also still freelancing for a non-profit doing some writing and editing, so my plate is still full, but I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted because I have a WHOLE day to now work at the shops, get organized, SHOP, tag, and hopefully start having time to just relax!

Friday we moved a couple more racks into Find Furnish and spent the day tagging and organizing our space. It's a work in progress, but we are excited to make it ours. We want to have a big party to celebrate our new home. We are working on that. I wish you could all come! :)

This is what I want to build for the space!

I also purchased this book last week. You can see where my head's at! My mom is not feeling this plan - "what about when you have kids?" "health insurance?" "retirement?" "what if, what if, what if..."

And then I think, but WHAT IF I was living the life of my dreams...Would love to hear your thoughts if you currently are self-employed or ever think about making that leap.

Big hugs and love!



Greetings from Costa Rica

Hola! I can't believe it's been almost a month since we got back from our GLORIOUS, AMAZING, and MAGICAL honeymoon. Costa Rica is the most beautiful place, my friends. If you ever have a chance to visit, GO! We have already decided that we definitely want to go back.

There was nothing but 90-degree days spent in the sunshine - blue skies - and green everywhere. It was exactly what we needed. We relaxed, swam, and lounged by the pool. We also went through three bottles of rum, too. It was the best trip. 

Every morning I woke up to birds singing. I sat on our balcony and drank coffee and watched the birds and butterflies. I let C sleep in most days - I was up with the sun! :)

The view! Here was the infinity pool and the mountains....

A family of monkeys hung out near our condo. The baby was really cute!

This is Lolo - he was super gentle and loved to hold your hand. (That is my heart melting.)

Sea shells by the sea shore

OK, so I might have been a little nervous to zipline.

But...I DID IT! And it was really fun (and scary)!

The view was amazing! And, of course, we saw more monkeys!

I think we are about halfway through winter. I have been sick the last few weeks, so I have been watching ALL the TV in my pajamas and hibernating. I hope you are all hanging in there and staying warm! I wish I could visit you gals in the warmer climates (AZ, I'm looking at you, girl). :)

I hope you all have a fabulous week! I am just trying to get through this week. Tomorrow we move into our new space! imnotreadyimnotreadyimnotready. Wish me luck - day two of quitting smoking and I want to punch everyone in the face. Good times.




The Gift of Light

Helloooooo, ladybugs! I hope you all had a merry holiday and a happy new year! We returned from the honeymoon on new year's eve and spent the night drinking champagne, watching TV, and snuggling with the pugs. The honeymoon was magical and lovely and I promise to share photos soon!

The new year has been off to a busy start! I am working on changing my name officially (Mrs!), mailing out christmas presents (yes, I'm way behind), printing wedding photos (they're BEAUTIFUL!), and planning for a new local collaboration - looks like Tandem Vintage will have another permanent space. We'll be headed to northeast soon, friends!

This is all obviously amazing but it has left me with little time for this here ol blog.

No apologies! Changes are happening and I am just going where life takes me. :)

Today, I wanted to share the AMAZING gift I received as part of the Gift of Thrift swap. :)

It was delightful coming home to this present after the holidays!

I just love getting packages in the mail - almost as much as I love sending them! :) Totally makes my day!

Now, here is the beautiful photo that Trish took of her gift to me. It is way better than the one I took. :)

Now, I love Christmas. In fact, we have maybe 5 huge storage bins of decorations, lights, ornaments, and such for the holidays. I do not, however, have a tree topper - so this is honestly the best gift ever. And it's beautiful, thrifted, and vintage. My girl, Trish, knows me well - thank you, again, so so much!

We have decided to make this an annual event, so if you are a fan of thrifting, be sure to sign up next year! I had so much fun shopping for my gal, too.

Wishing you a bright and lovely day!
