

Wedding Progress

I haven't really talked much about the wedding lately, but believe me, it's very much on my mind. I have been putting my newly acquired sewing skills to good use making the bunting.

Sometimes I think I need to just simplify, and then I shake my head, because that just wouldn't be me. Cayla started organizing all of the collections we've put together so far and it's amazing how much I've accumulated in a year - from vintage books to tins to pitchers and jars. Each piece was hand-picked because I thought it was beautiful. I promise - pictures soon!

The good news is that I just sent the invites off to the printer today!

Here is a sneak peak of the design...

I am having them printed here locally and then we will (make our friends come over and drink while we) put them together in cute bundles. I was thinking something like this:

Brown Kraft Envelopes
A custom return address stamp
And then vintage ribbon to hold it all together? Maybe with a sprig of dried thyme? What do you think?

Love this wax stamp idea, too...
I am going to write the addresses out by hand, although C thinks I am crazy.

I really cannot wait to get these bundles of wedding goodness out in the mail. Soon!




  1. That design is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Eeeeee!!! So exciting! Cannot wait to see the finished product!

  2. So lovely! Totally you too. I think it's a great idea! Handwriting will take a long time but it will be worth it :)

  3. Ooh sooo pretty! Your wedding is going to be full of vintage awesome goodness!! And don't simplify - it's your wedding girl, do it up right!!

  4. I love that you're concerned about the small details, because to me that's what makes anything and everything special.

    Good luck getting your invites together!

  5. The design for invitations is beautiful!
    I look forward to seeing photos of your many collections for the wedding!
    Boy, it seems like everybody is getting married and engaged these days, not a weekend goes by without some new sparkly ring finger all up in my facebook feed. I figure at least when the rush is over, my pinterest will be a little less loaded with dream wedding stuff, HAH

  6. Love the invites! These are really great, I'm always a huge fan of kraft envelopes. I can't wait to see your finished bundles :) So excited for you two! Also, welcome back- I've missed your updates!

  7. eeeee!! these details are so fun! i can't wait to see how this inspiration unfolds itself in your own wedding prep! more pictures!

  8. good information and nice post.
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  9. I love the idea of using vintage ribbons...your invites are going to be so lovely!!
